feel free to send any suggestions to kfirstbrook@aol.com

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Metric, a group originally formed in Toronto, Canada sparked my interest when I first heard some of their stuff on ABC's Grey's Anatomy (A great source for undiscovered artists). I immediately feel in love with them and am currently an avid fan.

Metric is an awesome group, with a very eclectic feel. I really enjoy their music because the lead singer is a female with a very unique and distinct voice. They also implement sounds that are not very traditional. A few of my personal favorites include "Monster Hospital," and "Help I'm Alive."  This song "Police and the Private" another one of my favorites, really interested me because of its different french feel.

If you are interested in Metric check out their myspace page or you can buy their music on itunes.

Remember you heard it at: A MUSICAL EVOLUTION

Sunday, February 28, 2010


from velli magazine,finland
"Pop with strange edges" is what Annie calls her music. I would have to agree. Her electronica pop has a retro yet futuristic feel to it. Annie is a fabulous music artist who grew up in Norway. She currently has four albums and two singles out. I heard about Annie a few years ago, when I got a complimentary download of her song "Me Plus One" from itunes. It only took a few seconds for me to fall in love with her unique music style. 
If you are interested in Annie's music, you can buy her music on itunes or check out her myspace page.

Remember you heard it at A MUSICAL EVOLUTION